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Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Movie Review: Iron Man 2

I love comic books, and I have been loving a majority of the movies that Hollywood has released that is based off of them, Spiderman 1& 2, X-Men 1& 2, etc. Although I have so far never liked the 3rd movies of super hero movies, they just suck. But anyway moving on...

I saw Iron Man 2 as a part of a late Birthday celebration with my mom and dad. I have a few words to say about the movie....

It was Awesome!!!!

I'm serious I was so concerned that this movie was going to be cheesy and suck and all of that, but no I was actually surprised and it turned out to be just as great, as the first one. I was confused a little bit during the movie but that's just because I was distracted by the persons feet that was on my seat, I kept pushing back on the seat. The guy eventually got the hint.

But all I can say is that this movie is awesome go see and stay until the end of the credits. There is an awesome clip there, you need to see it. So as soon as you finish reading this, go watch it!

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