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Thursday, September 9, 2010

To Remember...9/11

This Saturday is Sept. 11, will have been 9 year.

9 years ago all of our lives changed. Many of us lost family, friends, and loved ones. Many brave men and women acted heroic on that day and they continue to do so.

With hearing about the pastor, Terry Jones and his church the Dove World Outreach Church (A really peaceful sounding name, for a not so actively peaceful members). Here is there website, although at the moment it doesn't work . There has been on and off debate on Terry Jones part about whether or not he will burn the Qurans....

Really burning Qurans.

Here is an article about it here... . I don't want to get into it debate it too much because everyone who is against this will say one thing and the very few people that are for it are hypocrites.

But I will say this....

First of all that is disrespectful, I wouldn't want someone to put a cross on fire or a bible. And although I would still have my faith and still carry on despite of it, I would still be very upset by it.

This is no way to act towards one religion just because some people are crazy extremists.

The best way to remember this day and all those that suffered and di. ed is through prayer(and or meditation/reflection).

If you are on facebook there is this group on there, please join, it is open to everyone and every religion.

Here is the link:

And don't forget love and prayers for all the families this Saturday.

Thank you

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