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Friday, November 11, 2011

I Woke Up in Vegas!! Part I

I have been getting ready like crazy for the "Waking Up in Vegas" Fall Dance that we are holding at Pellissippi State.  One of my coworkers, Rob, has been working so hard on this dance.  He thought of it all, the theme, the decorations, etc. Great job Rob!  All of us have been working on getting it together, the main man being Rob.
In between that I have been working on classes, work, and getting my costume ready for the dance. I am going as a trashy, skanky bride. I basically got most of my costume last night and to be honest I am not sure how it is going to work out. I worked on my veil last night; it looks awesome! It took a few hours to rip, glitter and feather it up. It's amazing how quickly in real life it can take to mess up clothes, but when doing it on purpose it's a lot of work....go figure :/ .

Above is  the awesome Katy Perry singing Waking Up in Veags! Tell you more later!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wow...So Many Changes

This past semester has been crazy. I have a job, part of organizations, and committees.  I wish that I could do more, but I would go crazy and it's responsible to do so much when I am not able to fully commit.   Here is a list of everything I am a part of and my commitments:
  • Student Activities Board- My Job
    • I'm in charge of Panther Pause
    • I'm part of an awesome team that helps plan and run events for the students on campus
    • SAB's goal is to help encourage students to get involved on campus, help make friends, and become better students. 
    • And anything that needs to get done in the office I help do that too.
  • Gnosis- I'm treasurer. For all that don't know (& want to know) They were the first group of people I became friends with.
    • What is Gnosis? Gnosis is not the Gnostic religion. It is "An Independent learning and service organization that inspires and mentors PSTCC students committed to finding joy & direction in their educational pursuits with a head/heart/hands approach." That is the technical understanding...but what does it mean you ask???
    • Gnosis is what you make it.....
    • Gnosis for me is a time to learn. A time to grow. A time to become who I always wanted to be. True I will always be working on who I want to become, but this group has helped fast track it for me. It challenges me a lot; beliefs, thoughts, ideas, etc.  And I like that (although it can get tiring and part of me wishes people would just think the way I did). 
    • Gnosis for me is a learning experience, without having to worry about getting graded at the end of the day. It had encouraged me to write, read, play, and live more.  
  • Knoxville Opera - Knoxville Opera Education & Outreach Committee
    •  I'm on the committee that helps contact different schools to help generate interest in opera among students from the ages of Kindergarten -12th grade. 
    • I'm so excited and honored to be a part of this. I haven't been able to do so much lately because of my hectic schedule, but I am working on it.
  • Phi Theta Kappa- I'm a member of it
    • I haven't been that invloved frankly because I have been extremly busy and getting used to my new work/school/ extracurricular schedule. However I will be trying to get more involved and doing the Competitive Edge Challange they have.
    • I will be though submitting to their writing contest for their Literary Magazine. So I will at least be participating somewhat.
  • QEP Student Committee - member
    • QEP stands for Quality Enhancement Plan. It is a Program with the goal to help students get more out of their learning experience in college.  As a student member, I am part of an awesome committee that gives feedback on the new plans that are put into practice. 
  • A Daughter, A Sister, A Girlfriend, and A Friend
    • Hey it's a lot of work :)
Sadly there is also all the things I wish I could do :( . It's a shame that there is not enough time in the day for me to do all the things I want. Same time though my boyfriend of 2 years now (yah!) says that I should be more realistic and not have such high expectations of myself.  They are really high ones, but it is because I believe a person should do their best and be their best at all times.

Here is the list of stuff I wish I could do more and be more involved in:
  • History Club
  • Imaginary Gardens ( This is the literay magazine) 
    •  I will still submit my writings to this though
  • Creative Writing Club
  • Volunteer at Oak Ridge Library
  • Exercise
  • Start my little business
  • and so much more...

So that is all that is going on at the moment. Not really, but I don't feel like going into the rest of it.
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